Christian Stress Release

Get 1-on-1 Help

If You're Struggling:

You deserve to be ok. Having suicidal thoughts, feeling out of control, feeling helpless or hopeless, and/or being completely alone in that is terrifying. Please use these resources as many times as you need. Getting help of any kind brings someone else into your mental health so you’re not alone in it, and brings you the professional support to help you safely through it.


As always, pray. Pray for Jesus to bring you the right person at the right time, and the right help that you need in this moment. He’s there, even if you can’t hear or feel Him. Stay talking to Him while you reach out for help. You’re not alone in this.

If Someone Else Is Struggling:

If someone you love is struggling and you don’t know how to help them, please guide them here gently. Offer to help them find the right resources for them, honoring that they may need to go slower than you think or not have you help them. Please don’t force anything on anyone. Don’t get in over your head trying to help anything you don’t have the specific knowledge of how to help with.


Beautiful ways you can show up now:

As always, pray. Pray for Jesus to give you the right words at the right time, along with guidance on when to give them space. Pray for God to guide you to the right resources to help them, and for Him to carry them through and out of this mental health crisis. He is the Savior of the world, the Almighty King and the only One who can save them. Just keep pointing your eyes, ears and heart to Him.