Christian Stress Release

Help for Your Stress – Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, Tapping (2 of 3) (Part 3)

Picture of woman tapping on her side of the hand acupressure point

Let’s learn about the psychology part of Emotional Freedom Techniques (also known as EFT or Tapping).

In this post, I’m continuing our discussion on Emotional Freedom Techniques (also called EFT or Tapping). If you missed the introduction to this technique, you can find it here.  Today, we’re talking about the psychology part of EFT (ie. the words you say).


This is the third in a series of posts called “Help for Your Stress”. In them, we’ll cover some of the best mental health resources (techniques) that can turn your stress off. While I know that ultimately you’re looking for healing, getting help today to at least find relief is worth it.


So let’s talk about the psychology part.

Psychology Part

The psychology part of EFT is found in the words you say. There are 2 different phrases you’ll use for this part of the technique.

The Phrases You Say

There are two separate phrases that you’ll say in EFT that fuse both Exposure and Cognitive therapies together. These are: a Set-Up Statement and a Reminder Phrase.


The Set-Up Statement looks like this:


“Even though I have this [PROBLEM], I deeply and completely love and accept myself”


The Reminder Phrase looks like this:


“This [PROBLEM]”


The Exposure therapy part is the phrase: “the [PROBLEM]”. In this part of the phrase, you’ll list all the different things you’re struggling with right now:


  • All the negative emotions you’re feeling
  • All the physical sensations you’re feeling in your body (from the stress)
  • Anything going on in your present day life that is causing this stress and these struggles 


This is you exposing yourself to your stress and struggles right now.


The Cognitive therapy part is the phrase: “I deeply and completely love and accept myself”.  This is you bringing your brain back to thinking about something peaceful, safe and encouraging. As I mentioned in the previous post, I use a Christian variation that adds Jesus’ perfect love and acceptance of you. It goes like this: “I deeply and completely love and accept myself the way that Jesus loves and accepts me”.


Fusing these 2 therapies together allows your brain to think about your stress, without getting so overwhelmed by it.

How to Tailor EFT to Your Specific Struggles

To tailor EFT to your specific struggles, you need to get specific to your life. EFT works by entering into your brain, and bringing your stressors to life. Then reminding you of the good things that bring you peace. To do this, you’ll need to voice your stressors specifically, then pick things that bring you peace.


Here are some pointers on how to tailor EFT to your specific struggles: 

When Describing "Your [PROBLEM]"

Get specific.


You have a lot of emotions and stressors in your life. If you get general and say “this fear”, your brain will try to focus on all your fears at once. This will overwhelm your brain (and you) and make it hard to turn off your stress.


Instead, get specific. Say “the fear from that guy in the red Honda who cut my off on the road just now”. This will get your brain focused on that 1 fear, allowing the tapping to turn off the stress from it.

Keeping Things Negative

Most people don’t love talking about their stressors so much, because it’s so negative.


Without the acupressure tapping, talking about your stressors so much would make them worse. But when you tap on acupressure points while talking about your stress, it actually helps to turn it off.


(There’s a deep psychological explanation for why and how this works. I won’t go into it in this post. Just know that there is science backing this up.)

When Describing Physical Sensations in Your Body

Get descriptive with the visuals of them. Imagine if they were something you could see, the describe that so someone could draw it. What shapes, colors, textures, sizes and movements do you see?


Doing this will focus your brain more on the physical sensation you feel, then on the your emotions. This makes it less easier (and less painful) to work through.

Finding Cognitive Statements that Work

If the phrase “I deeply and completely love and accept myself” doesn’t resonate with you, find a variation that does. 


Say something true for you like:


  • “I choose to deeply and completely…”
  • “I want to deeply and completely…”
  • “I’m trying to deeply and completely…” 


Use a grounding phrase about your physical safety:


  • “Right here, right now, I’m ok”
  • “Right here, right now, I’m physically safe” 


Find a positive statement that is true for you, and brings you back into a state of happiness and peace:


  • “Jesus loves me unconditionally”
  • “I have [all these good things] in my life…” (list as many things as needed)
  • “Heaven is my home, filled with …” (list all the beautiful things about heaven that bring you peace and rest) 

The Other Half of the Technique

The psychology part of EFT is only half of the technique. The other half is acupressure, which you can read and learn about here.

Want to Experience Peace from EFT for Yourself?

If you want to experience peace from EFT for yourself, you can find it here.


I guide it in the Stress Release for Christian Women Membership. A library of videos and audios where I guide techniques (including EFT) on recording for you. This gives you access to stress reduction techniques at home, available on-demand, to use whenever and wherever you need them.


Because you deserve to live and thrive in the state of peace in your mind and body.


I’m praying for you ♥︎

   – L aura

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